Wolrld Congress of Herpetology 2024 – Borneo
Beautiful experience! A lot of fun, wonderful places, wounderful animals and super interesting conference. See you in Spain!

Beautiful experience! A lot of fun, wonderful places, wounderful animals and super interesting conference. See you in Spain!
This data paper collects information on multiple surface and subterranean populations of Speleomantes obtained throughout a four-year monitoring period. The high-quality pictures are supplied with additional information on individuals such as weight, presence of malformations and parasite load.
Title: Four years monitoring of the endangered European plethodontid salamanders
Authors: Luca Coppari, Milos Di Gregorio, Claudia Corti, Stefano Merilli, Manuela Mulargia, Roberto Cogoni, Raoul Manenti, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, Enrico Lunghi
Journal: Scientific Data
Link to the article Four years monitoring of the endangered European plethodontid salamanders
Wonderfull moments spent in Borneo and in Sardinia! For the ICSB conference check also the dedicated section.
Preliminary results: Preliminary data on the presenceof trace elementsin cave water and soil