Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy | 9-14 Sept, 2024

26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology

6th International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems
Should be no more than 500 words. Please indicate all authors and the relative affiliations, and if you prefer to present it as poster or as oral presentation. Please send your abstract along with the registration form. Every attendees is allowed to submit max 2 contributions. Deadline for abstract submission is 31/5/2024.
Registrations for the ICSB and ISAC are CLOSED!
Registrations for the ICSB and ISAC joint conference are now CLOSED as we already reached the maximum capacity of the room!
We thank all the people that registered and submitted their abstracts: we have received more than 130 abstracts!
Costs. Discount for ISSB members and students.
Early bird (up to 31/5/24):
- 375 EUR for members (225 EUR if student) / 450 EUR for non members (300 EUR if student)
Regular cost (from 1/6/23):
- 475 EUR for members (300 EUR if student) / 550 EUR for non members (400 EUR if student)
Become an ISSB member > more at the official website
When you register please attach all needed documents as a single zip file (in registration form under Attaching files):
- a copy of the receipt of the payment
- a copy of the receipt of your ISSB membership
- if you are a student, a declaration of your current position with the contact reference of your supervisor
The registration will be finalized only if the required documents are provided.
Registration fee includes: access to the conference, conference kit, lunches, social trip (but see conference call)