New issue of Acta Herpetologica vol 19(2) (2024)
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New review paper: The opinion of Italian herpetologists on the use of Criterion E for species assessmentrelated to the monitoring activities performed on Speleomantes cave salamanders
Can we agree with the Criterion E used to classify extinction risk by IUCN? Read here the opinion of some Italian herpetologists. Title: Uncertain future and uncertain projections: assessing extinction risks in European salamanders from projected chytrid fungus...
Presenting additional activities and results of our METALCAVE project to the XV Congress of the Italian Herpetological Society (SHI)
Farda B., Coppari L., Lunghi E., Pellegrini M. (2024). Development of a sampling and preservation protocol for cutaneous bacterial communities of Speleomantes
Dr. Maja Zagmajster Introduces the Sub-BioMon Project: Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring in Karst Ecosystems
Karst regions, covering 21.8% of Europe, are rich in unique biodiversity but are notoriously difficult to monitor due to their inaccessibility and the need for specialized equipment. While some European countries have developed cave monitoring protocols, there is no...
DarCo Project workshop: Advancing Subterranean Biodiversity Conservation
On the 9th of September, 2024, partners of the DarCo Project gathered in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, for their midterm meeting. This event, designed as a workshop open to all participants, fostered an inclusive atmosphere that encouraged broader dialogue and...
Bringing Science to Life at ICSB: Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte on Illustrating the Conference
The ICSB and ISAE events are about to begin, and we have prepared a special conference kit for each participant, which includes a unique T-shirt. While providing T-shirts may be common at events like these, we are particularly proud of this year’s design, created by...
Wolrld Congress of Herpetology 2024 – Borneo
Beautiful experience! A lot of fun, wonderful places, wounderful animals and super interesting conference. See you in Spain!
New data paper related to the monitoring activities performed on Speleomantes cave salamanders
This data paper collects information on multiple surface and subterranean populations of Speleomantes obtained throughout a four-year monitoring period. The high-quality pictures are supplied with additional information on individuals such as weight, presence of...
Presenting our preliminary results to the 10th World Congress of Herpetology and to the 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology
Wonderfull moments spent in Borneo and in Sardinia! For the ICSB conference check also the dedicated section.Preliminary results: Preliminary data on the presenceof trace elementsin cave water and soil